Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Can't Stand Losing You

I have torn my house apart today.  I have misplaced a library book and can not find it ANYWHERE!!  Seriously people, I am absolutely clueless as to where this book could be.  I have looked in my car.  I have looked throughout my house.  I have even looked in the bag where the library books go.  It has disappeared.  I think that the little elf that comes in and steals one sock out of the wash machine must have taken it.  I am not giving up though.  I refuse to let a book break me.  As many books as I read and I have not lost one yet, today will not be the first.  I am on a mission.  It must be here somewhere, right?
So, as I have been tearing apart the house trying to find this book, I ended up cleaning out my yarn corner by the couch.  I am telling you reader(s), this turned in to quite the endeavor!  I ended up pulling all the balls, skeins, hanks, and messes of yarn out of the different bags that I had piled there and started winding them all up into what are called "yarn cakes".  Wow! Do I have a lot of yarn!  In reality, I know that I have a lot of yarn, I mean I have an entire closet full of it, but seeing a whole mess of it "caked" up like that was shocking! Not shocking enough to get rid of any, but shocking none the less! Oh well, at least I know that if we ever lose electricity in the middle of winter, we will not freeze as there is enough wool in the house to keep this family of 5 cozy for several
days weeks.  And, let's not forget that I can always stuff it in the walls if we need more insulation! 
M wanted to help me wind my yarn.  I let him do it a couple of times, but after I had rewound pretty much everything that he had wound, I said that he had done enough.  I took over amid a lot of very loud cries and the yelling of "You're a Mean Mommy!"  What is that about?  I let him do what he wanted for 5 minutes (even though letting him do it caused more work for me!) and then when I told him he was done, I get told that I am a mean mommy?  And even more curious to me is why I let it bother me.  Someone (probably more like someones than someone, but I do not remember who so it doesn't really matter) told me that if I wasn't being told that I was a mean mommy or that they hate me or something like that at least once a day, then I am not doing my job.  Let me just say that the payment for doing my job should be at least chocolate, wine, or at least more yarn (since you know, I don't actually get paid to be a mommy!) and not cries that my "bosses" think I suck at it.  Before anyone lectures me about how I should handle this type of situation, I did tell him that I did not appreciate him saying that too me and that it hurt my feelings.  He told me he was sorry and I know he felt bad about it (not my intent, but hopefully it will keep it from happening again), but it is just frustrating sometimes, you know?  Why can't they all just behave perfectly without having to be directed?  And, if I'm asking, why do they have to be fed and clothed every day?  I mean it, I want to get all of the laundry done one day and then have naked day the next day just so I do not have to do an extra load of laundry.  Is that too much to ask??

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