Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Life Gets In The Way Sometimes

I had no idea that it has been almost a month since I last blogged.  I apologize to my massive amount of readers.  The past month has really just been insane for our family.  We got everyone finished with school, and then it started.  The week of June 6th, we had Vacation Bible School at our church, which all three kids are involved with and I help with.  Following each day, we had 2 hours of swim lessons for the girls.  We would finally either go to the gym or go home about 3 o'clock.  If we went to the gym, we didn't get home until about 4:30 and then would often turn right around and head back to the gym for Spin Class.

The next week, we had a form of VBS at the church where the kids go/have gone to Pre-school.  The girls participate in it and M is in child care there throughout the day because I help with that VBS too.  We had another 2 hours of swim lessons each day after this VBS as well.  Add the gym, work I had to do for VBS, trying to get everyone fed, and it made for a tired mama!

After that week, we headed down to my parents' house for the week and had a wonderful time, but my access to the internet was pretty limited.  My folks live in the middle of a corn field and do not have the greatest service.

So, since we have been home, I have been playing catch up and am just now getting a chance to sit down to blog!  Hopefully you all (or the one of you!) :) understand that as I know that we are all busy and trying to survive the summer!!

So, catching up a tad is probably in order.  While I was so busy, I didn't get a lot of weight-lifting in.  That is mainly because I just didn't have time and I was so busy, I knew I couldn't be sore from lifting.  But mainly, I just didn't have time!  What that leaves me with then is a LOT of cardio!  I did Spin classes 4 times each week during VBS just to get my calorie burn in.  While I was at my mom and dad's I wasn't able to get to the gym, but I walked every day but one and that was so great!  Like I said, my parents live in the middle of the country and it was so wonderful to walk with nature and just enjoy being outside.  I walked at least 3 miles each time.

There is that part of me that has always wanted to be a runner.  I have tried and failed so many times.  It would get so frustrating.  It has taken me about 20 years to finally figure out that MAYBE God just didn't make me a runner, because he certainly did not give me the knees for it!  I have always joked that I can walk faster than I can run anyway!  The last 5K (3.1 miles) that I "ran" (that means run/walk, because I have never been able to run a whole 3.1 miles!) I did in 45 minutes and 2 seconds.  I have been working hard to get my time under that with just walking.  I didn't know if I would be able to do it or not.  But, while I was down at my folks, I timed myself and I did it!!  I did a 5K in 43 minutes and 25 seconds!!  I was so thrilled!  Can't wait to actually do a race.  I know I will be doing the Bumblerun in E's hometown in September and the Purdue 5K in October.  I may see if I can find some other ones along the way too. Bottom line, I can walk a 5K faster than I can run one! Woo!

I did get back in the weight room this week and it felt awesome!  I am SO sore though!  Ouch!  My booty is screaming from squats and lunges, but is that going to stop me?  Uh, NO!!!  I am going back to Spinning tonight for my second class in 2 days.

This video has been going around Facebook and I finally had a chance to watch it and I HIGHLY suggest that you do as well.  I have always disliked the term "Like A Girl" and I LOVE how this video turns it on it's head.  It is a must see!!

Since I haven't posted in a while, I figured I would let you know how I am doing and give you some pics on how I am looking.  I have lost 63.4 pounds in 25 weeks and I feel so strong and healthy.  I am fitting into clothes that I haven't worn in a long time and was able to buy a new pair of jeans in a size smaller than I thought I would.  I have muscles showing in places that I haven't seen them in a long time.  It is an awesome feeling and I love it and want more of it!!!

Here is a pic that my sweet daughter L took of me and my muscles.

I'm LOVING that cut in my shoulders that is starting to come through.  I'm going to keep at it though, because I want the rest of the cuts that go with them!!

It is a lot of hard work.  I am LOVING this hard work, but make no mistake.  It is HARD work.  I didn't decide to do this on a whim.  I thought a lot about it.  I prayed A LOT about it.  I talked with a lot of people about it.  I just want to be clear about what I am doing here.  I have said this many times, but this is not a quick fix for me.  This is my life.  There is no pill.  There is no magic drink.  There is no short cut.  It is all hard work, dedication, prayer, and the decision EVERY single day to change my life.  This is what it is.

Faith. Courage. Strength. Change.

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