Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Dreaded "P" Word

If you have ever tried to lose weight, get healthy, or just take better care of yourself, most likely you have encountered the dreaded "p" word...PLATEAU. Ugh.  Plateaus seriously suck for motivation.  At least they do for me. In case you aren't familiar with a plateau, let me inform you.  A plateau means that the scale isn't moving.  You are doing everything right, and there is very little to no weight loss.  Now, I know that I have said many times that the number isn't all that important to me and while that is true, it can get super frustrating when that number doesn't go down at all.  Or worse, when it goes up!  This is especially true when you KNOW that you have done everything you need to do to make that number go down.

I do lift weights, and I lift heavy which means that I am building some major muscle while I am losing fat.  And we have all heard the old saying, "muscle weighs more than fat."  But, psychologically, that is really difficult to remember when I stand on that scale and the number is the same or higher than it was the week before.  And when that happens for a couple of weeks in a row...well, let's just say that little voice in the back of my head wondering why I am doing all of this gets VERY LOUD!

I Googled "Weight Loss Plateau" and was supplied with an extremely long list of ways to break through a plateau.  There were suggestions ranging from cutting my calories down even more to adding in a bunch more calories (guess which one of those suggestions I was more in favor of!!!). The suggestion that I thought made the most sense was the one that said to change up your workout routine.

  • Do your resistance training before your cardio. You'll use up your glycogen stores doing the weight training and when you move on to cardio, your body will use your fat stores as a fuel source. http://www.wikihow.com/Break-a-Weight-Loss-Plateau
  • So, today I did a version of that.  I didn't do cardio before I hit the weights like I usually do.  My plan had been to hit the weights first and then get in my cardio.  What I didn't plan on was how much fun I would be having while lifting that I ran out of time to get the cardio in!!  Luckily, my oldest has basketball camp this afternoon and the other 2 want to ride their bikes in the parking lot.  So, I am going to do a cardio circuit workout while they are riding.  Then, I will go to Spin tonight.  No matter what order I'm doing it in, I will be burning MAJOR calories!!  This plateau that I am will be hitting the bricks this week.  I am going to push through.  I have watched enough "The Biggest Loser" to know that a plateau is just a week or two in a journey, not an end point.  I will come out on the other side stronger, wiser, healthier, and just more of a bad-ass.  I've got this!

    What do YOU do when you hit a plateau?  Any tips?

    Faith. Courage. Strength. Change.

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