
Several people have asked me what type of workouts I am doing.  Here is my general schedule.  Sometimes it changes, but for the most part, this is what I do.  I usually will switch the order I do these things in each day too, but these are my daily agendas.  For your information, most anything I do in sets is done with 2 sets of 12 reps each unless otherwise noted. I also do a lot of "supersets" so any weight lifting I do is usually done that way.  I will group my supersets by color so you can see which I do.

Elliptical-15 minutes (I do at least a level 3 and work my way up.  I do bursts of 45 seconds HARD, 15 seconds easier.  Sometimes I do not hold on.)
25 Squats
Leg Extension Machine
Leg Curl Machine
25 Squats
Calf Raise Machine
Leg Press Machine
25 Squats
Hip ABDuction Machine
Hip ADDuction Machine
50 Squats
**I also do sets of 25 squats between each superset so I get a total of 200 squats**
15 Walking Lunges
Quickly down stairs
Walk 1/4 mile
Run Up stairs
15 Walking Lunges
**I just started with the stairs and the walking in between, but I will work toward getting at many sets in as I can.**
Any extra time is spent walking, either flat or on the treadmill

I usually take a Spinning class in the evening too (but this will probably change to Tuesdays)

Rowing Class (45 minutes)
Pec Dec Machine
Reverse Fly Machine
Tricep Kickbacks
Skull Crushers
Bench Dips
Tricep Pushdowns
Shoulder Press
Front & Lateral Raises
Arm Curl Machine
21's (7 half-curls from the bottom up, 7 half-curls from the top down, 7 full curls)
Reverse Curls (Turn hands over so palms are facing down, grip weight, curl half-way up)
Hammer Curls
Lat Pull Downs
Low Row
Straight Arm Push Downs
Bent Arm Push Downs
Cable Arm Crosses
Bench Press or Incline Bench Press (I do 3 sets of these!)

I will start walking during L's soccer practice when I can!

Repeat Monday!

Rowing Class (45 minutes)
Spinning Class (1 hour)

Walking in the evening at soccer practice (2 miles)

Elliptical (15-20 minutes)
Repeat Tuesday's Upper body lifting routine

I've been taking a Spin Class, but it has been cancelled.  I have tried Boot Camp too.  Whatever I can get into!

A very well deserved rest!

**If you have any questions regarding any of these exercises, please feel free to ask!!!***

**Other than the Warm Up and Cool Down, every thing is done in 1 minute increments.**

Warm Up at 3.0 mph/0% incline for 3 minutes
5.0 mph (jog)
3.0 mph (walk)
*5.0 mph (jog)
1.0 mph doing walking lunges while the treadmill is moving.  Hold on to the treadmill if needed.
3.0 mph (walk)
5.0 mph (jog)
1.0 mph turn to your left and do walking squats while the treadmill is moving, stepping your left foot over your right to move with the belt.
3.0 mph (walk)
5.0 mph (jog)
1.0 mph turn to your right and do walking squats while the treadmill is moving, stepping your right foot over your left to move with the belt.
3.0 mph (walk)*
Repeat from * to * once more increasing jogging times to 5.5 if you are able
6.0 mph (run)
3.0 mph (walk)
6.0 mph (run)
3.0 mph (walk)
6.0 mph (run)
Cooldown at 3.0 mph for 2 minutes.

Mop up your sweat and stretch out!!

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