About Me!!

Life sure does have a funny way of making you realize that God is in control of your life, doesn't it?

In 2013, I started this blog thinking I just wanted to write and it would be a good outlet.  I had no idea what an outlet it would eventually become for me and what I would be using it to hopefully help inspire people.

I have always been a "big" girl.  Even as a child, I was always one of the tallest kids in my class.  I wasn't overly heavy growing up, but I left "skinny" behind when I left Elementary School.  I was an athlete all through school which helped me stay in pretty decent shape and let me eat what ever I wanted to eat.

College was a difficult time for me in that I was exposed to constant food, lots of booze, and very little activity.  To be honest, I really didn't know how to handle this change.  I went through a lot of ups and downs physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually during this time.  My weight yo-yo'd big time all throughout college which truly did not help in my emotional and mental state.  I just couldn't find a happy place in my life.  I felt alone and unloved.  Because I didn't love myself, I couldn't believe that anyone could love me; that God could love me.

I did find someone who loved me very much and I loved him, my sweet E.  We were married in 2004 and had our first daughter, L, in 2005.  E and I worked together and tried the South Beach Diet after L was born.  It worked great for awhile, I lost 50 pounds.  But, unfortunately I couldn't keep up with the diet and the weight started to creep back on.  In 2008, our daughter J was born and then our son M surprised us in 2009.  I had a lot of issues while carrying M and actually didn't gain very much weight with his pregnancy.  But, after he was born, I still had a lot of weight I needed to take off to be skinny.

So, I joined a group of friends in a Biggest Loser Contest.  I followed the Weight Watcher's Program on my own and came in 2nd in the contest and ended up losing 65 pounds in the process.  Again, I was not able to stick with the diet.  After several years of stress, family trauma, deaths of very special family members, I gained every single pound of that 65 I loss as well as about 25 more in interest.

2012 and 2013 were pretty rough years in our family.  I am an emotional eater and that is how I dealt with the stress of it all.  At the end of 2013, E and I sat down and really talked about where were at and where we wanted to be.  He had struggled a lot in the past couple of years, just as I had.  He told me he supported me however I wanted to change my life.  So, I sat down and I prayed.  I prayed the Lord would point me in the direction I needed to move in order to fulfill His plans for me.  I prayed that if He wanted me to follow this path then I needed His help.  I wrote out a list of things I wanted to accomplish and discussed with E how I was going to get there.  He said he wanted to lose weight and to do certain things so we would work together.  Thankfully, my sweet hubby has a degree in Exercise Science so he set out a routine for me.

I am working on it and continue to work on it.  Every day I must pray for His guidance and strength.  Every day I must make the decision to be better than I was the day before.  Every day I must believe that I am worthy of everything I am doing.  Every day I must believe that I am WORTH IT.

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