Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Check-In!

I think (key word there is THINK) that I am starting to hit a turning point in my mind-set.  This morning I stepped on the scale just like I do every Monday morning.  I found I lost 0.6 pounds this week.  In the past, I would have been upset that I didn't even lose a whole pound.  I would have gotten sad and mad at myself that I didn't work hard enough and thought about all of the other things I should have done or what I shouldn't have eaten.  This morning though, I stepped off of the scale and my first thought was, "Man, I must have built a lot of muscle this week."  That is HUGE for me.  To not let a loss that I thought should have been bigger get me down and to see the good things that I have been doing makes me pretty proud of myself.  So much of what I am doing is mental and for me to make that change in my brain really makes me think that maybe my brain is starting to get the message!  I'm telling you, if the brain is not on board, the body is only going to do part of the work.  And let's be honest, doing part of the work is NOT going to get the job done!

I had a pretty good week this past week.  I was able to bench 100 pounds!  That felt pretty awesome!  I will hit that 135 before I know it.  I was able to log some pretty good miles for Eli too.  I lost a week with Spring Break, but I'm still in 3rd place.  I found out this morning though that the guy in 4th place is right on my tail, and that isn't cool.  So, hard work is in order this week!  I already logged 11 this morning on the bike and will go to spinning tonight to hopefully get another 15.

The hubs and I did something interesting this weekend.  The first Friday of the month at my son's school is Parent's Night Out.  They take the kiddos for 2 and a half hours which is awesome.  Usually we go out to dinner or do something fun.  This Friday however, we decided to take advantage of the fact that we didn't have kids to put more insulation in our attic.  I'm telling you what, this is a JOB!  We ended up blowing 15 26.5 pound blocks of insulation up into the attic.  When I saw "we", I mean that E stayed in the attic and held the hose aiming the insulation.  I did the heavy lifting, putting the insulation in the blower machine which then paddles it apart putting air in it and blowing it into the hose up to the attic.  We did another 5 blocks the next day and I was so sore the next 2 days.  It will be so worth it though when our air conditioning and heating bill goes down!

I have a question for any of my readers on my dear blog here.  How do you deal with compliments?  This is something I have always struggled with.  I don't want to blow off compliments as that is disrespectful to the person giving the compliment.  I don't want to be all full of myself when people give me compliments.   I know that I am working hard, and I know that it is starting to show.  I have had a lot of compliments about what I am doing and they help keep me motivated.  But, I really do not know how to respond when people compliment me.  I have the same issue when people compliment my singing, knitting, or anything else.  I simply do not know how to respond.  So, how do you respond to compliments?  What is the best way to be gracious, but still humble?  Please feel free to comment below (or on Facebook works too!)!!


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