Tuesday, July 9, 2013

This Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

Obviously, I have decided to start a new blog.  I am not going to tell you what this blog will be specifically about as I am sure that every day will be completely different.  I miss writing and I miss telling my story, so I plan to use this forum to do just that.  Some days may be about my family, some days about my faith.  Sometimes I will tell you about my friends and sometimes about my hobbies (of which there are MANY!).  Really, I am pretty much figuring that anything goes.  I am really excited and I hope that as you read all about my insane and crazy, wonderful and beautiful life, you will be excited too!  And if you aren't, that is okay! We each have our own story to tell and if you don't want to read mine, please, I encourage you to go write your own!
For my first post today, I have to tell you a little about how my day went today so you can see a couple of the "kinds" of me.  My day consisted of getting my sweat on at the gym, stopping at 2 different churches, the post office, and the grocery store.  Then I had a friend stop by and showed me the new sight on his 9mm pistol and after that I turned a heel on a sock (knitting term simply meaning that I did the magical knitting that turned the sock from the leg to the foot.).  After that I got dressed up and went to my Mary Kay Consultant Meeting.  Then I made this blog. :) Oh, and I made some yummy sausage stars to take to my meeting and to eat for dinner.
So, like I said, that was my crazy and incredibly varied day.  I actually felt all day that today my life was just a walking blog post, so I figured I might as well go with it!  There are a lot of different "kinds" and sides of me and I am excited to share them with you.  I hope that you will enjoy the ride here at Cheetah Stripes and Zebra Spots, I know that I am going to!!

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